Long time no write. Sorry


Its been about a month and a half sense the last time I wrote one of these things. I have been questioning if they are even worth it. I came to the conclusion that they have value as a diary of sorts if nothing else. So here is what I have been up to sense Halloween.Not sure how detailed the info will be for all of these, but I can at least post the pictures so I can find them again.

What I have been working on (the list):

  1. Draw Knife

  2. Froe

  3. Hammer

  4. Hinges

  5. Nail Header

  6. Spade

  7. Coronets

  8. Bells

  9. Bird Feeder

  10. Bill Hook

  11. Bottle Stand

The draw knife

Ended up doing a bit more shaping on the draw knife. Still not finished yet, so more on it later.



With the work I have been doing on handles for the tools I am making, I decided I needed a froe to make working down the wood easier. That way I would not need to turn an entire fire log. This is being done with a large and heavy piece of steel and is more then I can finish in a single sitting. It also involves a forge weld which took up a ton of time and I am still not sure if it took. This is something I will get back to soon.


Finished up the hammer from my last entry and now just need to add the handle.


A long time ago, I decided to help my friend Lord Christof create a viking chest by forging him a set of hinges and a clasp for a generic viking chest. These I finally got around to doing, now I just need to send them to him.

Nail Header

Once again it was time to work on another object from the Mastermyr chest. This is another item that I need to write documentation for, so I will not be writing a lot here.


One day while cleaning up my work area, i came across the spade blade I made for Lorelei that I thought I had sent to her for her to put on her spade that she had been working on. I decided to try and make my own spade, so I did. A spade is not so much for moving earth as it is for cutting earth. so here is my attempt:


I had to take a break from my blacksmithing because Baron Cormacc ua Rígáin contacted me to make coronets for him and his Baroness for their transition from Landed baronage to court baronage. This I was glad to do, but the court was only 3 weeks away from the request date. This caused me to pause all the current work that I had been working on to concentrate on making these. These were given out at court last weekend. They followed the pattern of Baroness Amilia, Baron Christof and Baroness Adina in that they are a hybrid between a leather and a metal coronet. This seems to quickly becoming my “style” of coronets.


Not related to the SCA, I became involved in a Christmas ornament exchange. For this I decided to make sleigh bells. These were done from blanks and I did not document much of what I did in pictures, but here is what I have, I have made 8 of them so far. For this I als ended up needing to make tools to make them so I was stuck welding ball bearings to steel rode to help form the insides. I am not a great welder, but they did not break when I used them

Bird Feeder

The last time I went to refill the bird feeders, i found the flat feeder missing its bottom. This was either through age or an attack by a raccoon. Because I could not find the missing pieces, I am leaning toward blaming the raccoons. But rather than working on other projects, I decided to work on a new feeder for my wife. Being an idiot, I went ahead and hung it up and gave it to her as soon as I was finished instead of waiting 2 weeks and giving it to her for Christmas. Such a fool.

Bill Hook

This was fun! My friend Mistress Lorelei Greenleafe messaged me just before I went off to work in my forge and asked me if

Bottle Stand

The final thing that I worked on was a bottle stand. This was created for my wife and I to allow us to drain and dry our wine carafe. Right now it is but ugly but it works. I am using this one as a model for a decent one that I hope to make soon.

Well, this is what I have been working on for the last month and a half or so. I am sorry there is not much detail about any one thing. That is a disadvantage of waiting so long before writing one of these. It has taken me most of a day to organize and write just this little bit. Hopefully I will be able to bring myself to write the documentation to a few of the pieces i have listed in this and past blogs. I am hoping to have a documentation collection for the Mastermyr chest as well as a documentation collection for both my agricultural tools and my kitchen tools.